Headless GuitarEasy come, easy go.

While I had nothing but positive things to say about you about your support page when I needed to get my Rock Band guitar replaced, you dropped the ball just as you were nearing the end zone.

If you follow the link below, you’ll see some pictures of what I’m about to talk about:
Jafo’s Journal Home Page:

In short, the Rock Band guitar ships partially disassembled. You simply slide the head of the guitar over the neck and it clips into place. Permanently. No disassemble, Stephanie. Not too big a deal, as long as you don’t ever need to take the head off.

When I got home yesterday, I hurriedly grabbed my replacement guitar off of the doorstep so that it wouldn’t continue to sit and gather moisture in the downpour (the eave over my door kept it from being rained on, directly). As I opened the box, I saw that they replacement guitar ships w/o a head. =/

I added a comment on my open ticket asking them why I don’t have a guitar head, but I haven’t heard anything back from them, yet. C’mon guys… think it through, please.