I just emailed Steve Jobs. Steve — I’m eager to get an iPad and could justify it if iPhone OS offered Fast User Switching, a la Mac OS. When my woman gets onto the device, I’d love for her to be able to switch users and have all of her app preferences loaded. Facebook Mail Tweetdeck WordPress Safari bookmarks/cookies/keychain Apple Game achievements iAd stats (we’re likely to see remarkably different.. Read More
Virtual Boy Returns! (?)
Nintendo let out a press release today teasing their next portable gaming system, the Nintendo 3DS (probably a working title). It’s apparently going to feature 3D gaming w/o the use of glasses. Things I’m happy about: Backwards compatibility with DS and DSi. ‘Nuff said. I’m slightly interested in the DS online store, but don’t want to buy a DSi. They haven’t specifically stated that it’s going to be able to.. Read More
Macbook Mini (aka mbm)
My Mac Mini’s dying :( It started w/ the wifi acting erratically and now I have no sound (in nor out). This Mini’s been an amazing workhorse for my modest needs, and the cheap price for such a beautiful, elegant (modestly-powered) workstation was exactly what I needed. Sensing that the end is nigh, I decided it was time for a replacement machine. I wanted a rugged, tote-able OS X machine.. Read More
PS3 to finally bow down to The One Remote
I just read on Engadget HD that Logitech’s finally releasing their official PS3/Harmony adapter! Pretty much every device I care about in my house is controlled through my Harmony 890: 360, TVs, stereos, lights, my bedroom fan… with one exception. The PS3’s Bluetooth remote was the stumbling block; the 890 speaks infrared and radio frequency, but not Bluetooth. Once I get this thing ($60, available this month!), the PS3 will.. Read More
Thanks, Kevin :)
I just got myself a droooooobo :D Pownce : Note From kevin: Spoke w/the CEO of Drobo – talked him into $100 off the new 2nd generation drobo (firewire/usb) for my friends. First 100 people to use code: “krose” get ’em. Enjoy. www.drobo.com/Where_to_Buy/Index…. (425 views)