“Could we not then say that [a gay couple’s] devotion to and support of each other … could be recognized by the church as a valid sacrament of God’s unrelenting faithfulness to us just as much as the union of an elderly straight couple? Neither will procreate children, but both can be sacraments of God’s faithfulness in the living out of their commitment to each other. …”
Remember this?
Rock Band 3 Pro Mode looks amazing
Dad Life
Nanna’s secret recipe; you know how I roll. (Edit: Thanks, John!)
Google Reader RSS iPhone app MobileRSS on sale for a buck
MobileRSS is on sale for $0.99 today. I have no idea how long the sale will last, but I’ve been using the free client for about a month now and it’s the only Google Reader (greader) RSS client for the iPhone that I’ve found useful/worth using. The biggest feature that won me over is the fact that it syncs so seamlessly and quickly with the web interface. I’ve tried 3.. Read More