How to Stump Anti-Abortionists With One Question « Unreasonable Faith:
January 21, 2009 by Daniel Florien

Did you know you can stump anti-abortionists with one simple question?

Just ask them this:

If abortion was illegal, what should be done with the women who have illegal abortions?

An ex-coworker came up w/ an amazing insight into the question of whether or not abortion was murder.  His concept was this:  we know that babies are formed from the union of semen and an egg, but the burning question that needs to be answered is, “When does human life begin?”

If you remove a fetus from it’s mother too early, it’s chances of surviving are very small, so why not choose the point at which a fetus can survive on it’s own as the point when human life begins?  Abortions could be allowed before then, and not after.  Yes?  No?