MacDork :)

Dorkus Malorkus

Ricky Martin finally comes out.

Ricky Martin Music: I am proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man. I am very blessed to be who I am.  Congrats, homes — I’m sure that’s a big relief.


Bleh… fighting off a nasty cold that I managed to bring back w/ me from Nola.

Virtual Boy Returns! (?)

Nintendo let out a press release today teasing their next portable gaming system, the Nintendo 3DS (probably a working title). It’s apparently going to feature 3D gaming w/o the use of glasses. Things I’m happy about: Backwards compatibility with DS and DSi. ‘Nuff said. I’m slightly interested in the DS online store, but don’t want to buy a DSi. They haven’t specifically stated that it’s going to be able to.. Read More

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Blu-ray

The bluray pack is available for pre-order, but without the Extended Edition content, I’m just not interested. :( via HDD Cool Stuff: ‘The Lord of the Rings Trilogy’ Blu-ray Steelbook Exclusively at Best Buy.