MacDork :)

Dorkus Malorkus

Transparent custom corners and borders | 456 Berea Street

Transparent custom corners and borders | 456 Berea Street: I’m hoping to make use of this technique… soon… ish. It’s a really nice way of creating boxes on your site via a technique that I haven’t completely grocked. I will, though.  Soon enough. …. ish.

MacNN | Jobs previews iTunes 4.9 at “All Things Digital�

MacNN | Jobs previews iTunes 4.9 at “All Things Digitalâ€?: Among the advertised features — built-in podcasting support. Is it me, or does anyone else not get podcasting? I  suppose it’d be useful if I were commuting on a vehicle which I didn’t have to drive, but when I’m drivin, I pretty much avoid talk-radio as much as possible. I’ve tried listening to a few podcasts, but in general, they’re.. Read More

Essential Bookmarks for web-developers

Essential Bookmarks for web-developers: maxi edition | Essential bookmarks for web-developers: Just adding a great resource to my site — I’ve had it open for days in OmniWeb, but I haven’t gone through the links — may as well have an entry about it so I can refer back to it later.