MacDork :)

Dorkus Malorkus

SNES 360

Ok, so by now you know that I’ve been playing some SNES games on the Macbook Mini.  It’s definitely been fun, but the qwerty control method was just way too goofy for me. I needed a control pad — it was driving me nuts! I’ve had a few in the past, but they were always cheap-ish affairs that… well, sucked. I then pondered whether or not it was possible to.. Read More

Super NES on my Macbook Mini

Snes9x is a Super Nintendo (SNES) emulator that lets you play Super NES games on your computer (Mac & PC). The emulator itself is legal, and if you own an original cartridge of the SNES game, then it’s apparently ok to have a copy of the program in a file on your computer, known as a ROM. Snes9X has been around for ages, & I’ve toyed around w/ it for.. Read More