I’ve never been into pop music.  For the most part, I can’t STAND pop music, actually.  Why do I watch that show Tuesdays on Fox, then?

I was thinking about why I was so into it, and essentially it’s because it’s three shows in one:

  1. When the show first starts, it’s a comedy.  I laugh and laugh and laugh at just how incredibly out of tune the people are, and I get a kick out of seeing what people choose to wear just to get on tv.
  2. After they move everyone to Hollywood, it becomes like a talent show:  there are tons of really bad acts w/ a few decent stand-outs.
  3. Narrowed-down to the last dozen or so, it becomes a bit like a soap opera.  I can’t say for certain, considering I’ve never watched a soap, but everyone knows what they’re about, so I have an idea.

I dunno — that doesn’t seem like such a bad thing.  At it’s very least, it’s entertaining, and the show doesn’t insult my intelligence. 

I take that back:  Paula’s a complete idiot.  I couldn’t stand her music way back in the (80’s?  90’s?) day, and I find it impossible to think that anyone could HONESTLY believe that every person she hears is as good as she says they are. Interestingly enough, Simon pointed out that it’s MUCH louder in the auditorium than it is at home, and that he can’t hear the performers as clearly as we (at home) can.

That explains a LOT.