In the past two to three months, I’ve heard at least three people tell me about how they’re never going to drink <alcoholic beverage> again.  Today, in an irc channel I sit in, I had this one-sided convo:

hungoverguy: uggh, no more jager for me
MacDork: i don’t get people who swear off a certain drink because of a particularly bad experience
MacDork: rationally, it was such a good drink, that you had too much
MacDork: it’s not the drink’s fault that you had too much
MacDork: it’s your impaired judgement’s fault

I get the Pavlovian association, but is it really so strong that people can’t do it?  My wife can’t drink any Jägermeister anymore, either.  For the same reason.

I’ve gotten smashed on enough different drinks in my life that I’d probably be averse to about a 1/2 dozen drinks, but it really seems foreign to me.