MacDork :)

Dorkus Malorkus

Sheep dogs. Fer reals. Sorta.

Edit: Snopes posted a story yesterday refuting this story. :( So… looks like it’s not true. Ok, so it’s not a sheepdog, it’s a lamb. YA RLY. I gotta be honest: I’m a dog person, and I’m not sure I’ve ever looked very closely at full-sized poodles enough to know what their face should look like, or what types of bodies they should have. If you gave one a bitchin’.. Read More

Beat Traffic Tickets

I just read a great article on Yahoo about how to beat a traffic ticket. The most amazing part to me is that I haven’t been skeptical/cynical enough to really believe what I’ve suspected all along — tickets are viewed more as a revenue source than a measure to maintain good order in our society.