The guys over at The Consumerist have a great comparison of which movie studios are on which side in the Blu-ray vs. HD DVD high def disc format war.

The comparison was brought on by yesterday’s announcement from Warner that they’re going to switch exclusively to Blu-ray in May. This is great news to me, as I’ve stopped buying any new movies because I didn’t want to end up with a stash of discs in the losing format. I know someone w/ a considerable collection of Laser Discs who’s hoping his long-discontinued disc player doesn’t break.

bluray vs hddvd

Format Wars: Where Things Stand In The Hi-Def DVD Format War:

After Time Warner Inc.’s announcement today that they’ve chosen to support Blu-ray exclusively, here’s the current breakdown of studio support for each format—and things aren’t looking good for HD DVD.

So the future is tilting more and more toward Sony’s Blu-ray format, it seems. Honestly, though, will anyone be buying movies on discs by the time this is all settled?

After seeing this chart, I feel pretty confident that Blu-ray’s going to win. Warner’s decision was based on the outcome of the Q4 sales results between the two formats, and though I haven’t seen what the results were, I do remember Blu-ray outselling HD-DVD by 2-1 for many of last year’s months.

When people ask me which of the two formats are better, I honestly admit that I can’t really tell the difference. I have a decent consumer-level plasma, but they both look great to me. Until today, I’d always told them to hold off.