
MacNN | Gartner: Apple ordering massive 3G iPhone numbers:
Apple may have already lined up the production of millions of next-generation iPhones, according to a Gartner analyst. Ken Dulaney says that based on talk he has heard from Asian sources, he believes Apple has placed an order for 10 million updated iPhones, equipped with 3G broadband.

3G on it’s own isn’t enticing enough for me to drop the cash for a new iPhone.  The killer app for me is Google Reader, by a LONG shot.  It’s nice enough that reader’s a really competent RSS aggregator, but the real reason I use it so much is that it reformats the stories I choose to read in a very stripped-down, ad-free format. 

None of the page’s banners (ads or otherwise) show up, no navigation buttons, no background images — just the text and any images included in the body of the story I’m reading.  It’s amazingly well done, and w/ only one exception, works perfectly.  When I’m reading on my phone, I’m generally away from my computer, sometimes out of wifi range, and never in front of a computer.  What I need in those situations is to be able to digest information quickly, w/ little need for a fancy UI.  Reader’s perfect for that.

Oh — and stripping out all of that data means that it’s performance over Edge is more than adequate.  3G?  Well, I’d of course LIKE faster speeds, but for my use, Edge serves Google Reader up “fast enough”.  I can’t justify the additional outlay of cash just for increased speed.

Dulaney speculates that the 3G iPhone may surmount battery concerns, expressed by the likes of Apple CEO Steve Jobs, by switching to an OLED (organic LED) display. This may not only result in less power consumption, but reduce the thickness of the phone even further.

Damn it.  If this is true (better battery life, thinner, sexy OLED screen, increased speeds via 3G), I’ll have a much harder time resisting.
