MacDork :)

Dorkus Malorkus

Dad Life

Nanna’s secret recipe; you know how I roll.  (Edit:  Thanks, John!)

Leo Laporte

When did Leo become so mean-spirited? I’ve been noticing it more and more, lately. As he’s become more and more passive-aggressive about Steve Jobs not favoring him, he’s gotten more and more open about loving other tech. Tonight, listening to This Week in Google, he straight up mocked the creator of custom Android ROMs for being young. Leo; seriously. Chill the eff out. Edit:  I’ve softened some of my response,.. Read More

iOS4 backgrounding is actually useful

I was originally skeptical of Apple’s multi-tasking implementation in iOS4. The fact that apps were limited in their ability to stay alive was frustrating, except that there’s an option that allows devs to complete the last operation before the OS shuts it down. Bylines, the RSS reader, will finish a sync. Now, even on Edge only, I can hit the refresh button then go do something else and let it.. Read More