MacDork :)

Dorkus Malorkus

Google Reader RSS iPhone app MobileRSS on sale for a buck

MobileRSS is on sale for $0.99 today.  I have no idea how long the sale will last, but I’ve been using the free client for about a month now and it’s the only Google Reader (greader) RSS client for the iPhone that I’ve found useful/worth using. The biggest feature that won me over is the fact that it syncs so seamlessly and quickly with the web interface.  I’ve tried 3.. Read More

Amazing pair of twos

Update — get both Mass Effect 1 AND 2 for $50 on Amazon! I just finished a second game that I haven’t talked about here. My new year’s resolution was to be finish games that I start. I’m easily distracted by new shiny, so I end up with a lot of unfinished games. Last night I finished the second game in a row that ends in “2” — a pair.. Read More

First Look: iDisplay

TUAW just clued me into iDisplay. OMG is it incredible.  mY iPhone is now a 2nd display for my netbook! XD