Diet Coda’s Text Loupe is so drastically better than the one that’s built into iOS, I’m expecting Apple to adopt it in upcoming versions. It really is an eye-opener (pun intended!)
Dell discontinues 11″ expensive gaming laptop
Dell explained that: Users are said to be demanding full-sized keyboards and optical drives from their gaming PCs From The Verge
Paper — iOS painting & sketching app
I just read about Paper, a promising new sketching/painting app on iOS. The video above had me excited until I read the reviews that complained about how each brush is two dollars…. The app’s free, so I’ll have a quick peek, but damn is this disappointing.
16-Bit BSG RPG
If you haven’t seen Battlestar Galactica, this won’t make a lot of sense.
I used to be an adventurer…
I think I’m finally close to finishing my two-month-long affair with Skyrim. You’ve been a delightful mistress, but I’m afraid you’re taking up too much of my time attention. There are other games in my pile of shame that aren’t getting their fair share of attention. I’ve spent nearly every gaming moment with you, and enjoyed it all. I used to be absolutely dedicated to you, Skyrim… until I took.. Read More