Uh huh. You know what to do. via Vintage console RPG Chrono Trigger is now on iOS.
11.11.11 11:11:11
A.K.A. Skyrim Day.
Just one more thing…
I got an email from Apple last night letting me know that my pre-ordered copy of Steve Jobs’ bio was ready to download. When I clicked the provided link, I was taken to iBooks, where it’d already been downloaded; via iCloud; in the background; on both my iPhone and my iPad. Thanks, Steve. And goodbye.
Hang out with Felicia Day in Dragon Age 2: Mark of the Assassin DLC
Ha — how cool is this? Felicia Day’s lent both her likeness and her voice to some Dragon Age 2 DLC. Once I get my copy back from my nephew, I’ll nab this and let you know how it is. Check out the trailer on Joystiq at this link: Hang out with Felicia Day in Dragon Age 2: Mark of the Assassin DLC.
Address Book Ownership
With a fledgling social network on the rise (Google+), it’s time I rant a little about a pet peeve of mine. Many social networking sites offer the ability to import your contacts from one service into theirs. I know it’s convenient and saves you a lot of time, and helps them attract new users, but what about the privacy of the people you’re ingesting into the new social network? Without.. Read More